Walking is one of the most common activities, that choose the visitor arriving in Pelion. The imposing mountain combined with the magnificent sea and serenity that transmits this place give the tourist probably the most powerful incentive for exploration!

Climbing is also one of the most important and common sporting activities Pelion tourists. Pelion, a place, ideal for mountaineering activities, giving visitors many possibilities, as regards the existing tracks. An important element is the fact of the existence of EOS Volos (National Alpine Association), which contributes as much as possible, to improve the conditions in the mountain area. In most of the preferences of hikers is the summer period, since the villages mentioned above are very close to the sea and the summer season favors and other types of activities.

Biking in Pelion is one of the favorite activities of tourists who have a sporting spirit. It is an important incentive for alternative tourism, particularly in mountainous areas. Regarding Pelion, the beautiful routes through the magical forest, the unique Pelion paths and dirt roads of Pelion can truly reward the visitor who chooses to try this activity! Most cycling routes are on dirt roads where it is common to access by car. So, the visitor is able to enjoy the beautiful natural environment of Pelion!

Riding combines adventure with the strong fundamental value of ecotourism and absolute respect for the natural environment. In contrast, in other adventure sports, horse riding has not changed significantly since the ancient period. The reference point remains the close link created between horse and human! Pelion has a traditional relationship about human and horses. According the Greek mythology this relationship was the focus of mythical Kentrafron, creatures depicted as half men and half horses. So, in Pelion, visitors can, under the guidance of the horses' owners, explore all the traditional trails and paths of the place, routes to the sea, and those to the mountain.

The skiing is the traditional choices regarding activities, the visitor during winter. Pelion has one of the best ski centers of Greece, which is located in Chania. Created at the initiative of EOS Volos (National Mountaineering Association) in 1967. Its height is reached at 1200-1400 meters. Visitors have the opportunity to ski as there are 5 tracks with total length 15 km.