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Hotel Agnadi - Horefto perfectly complies with health protocols in the effort to eliminate COVID-19!

For the best possible protection of our customers and staff, our company has taken the following steps:

  • Attendance of the mandatory seminar & special information - training to our employees, for the acquisition of the signal "Health First"
  • Change check hours in / check out for the best disinfection of rooms:
    Check in: 15.00 pm - Check out: 11.00 am
  • Keeping a file & book of COVID-19 events with the details of the staff members & their customers with respect to the General Regulation on Personal Data Protection (GDPR)
  • Prohibition of entry into rooms for non-residents
  • Installation of protective plexiglass in the slot for the protection of our customers & staff
  • Installation of antiseptics in the slot & in other areas of the hotel for regular disinfection of hands
  • Use a mask & glove in the hotel premises
  • Installation of self-adhesive marking for the observance of the distances to the interiors spaces
  • Placement of the tables on the terrace where the daily breakfast is given at a distance of 2m. between them
  • Elimination of the buffet & provision of daily breakfast on an individual tray
  • Abolition of daily cleaning, except in cases where the customer wishes
  • Avoid replenishing clothing items, except in cases where the customer wishes
  • Use of apron, mask & gloves Disposable by cleaning staff when collecting bedding & clothing in garbage bags
  • Existence of special equipment (medical kit) for the occurrence of suspicious case (disposable gloves & masks, antiseptics, cleaning wipes, long sleeves, apron, laser thermometer)
  • Daily staff thermometer when entering the hotel
  • Frequent & meticulous disinfection of all hotel surfaces
  • Disinfection of the surfaces of rooms with professional steam cleaner at room temperature> 70 degrees Celsius
  • Sterilization of keys & magnets
  • Meticulous cleaning & disinfection of air conditioning units in all areas of the hotel

By faithfully observing the health protocols & following the directions of the experts, we protect ourselves, but also those around us, contributing to the reduction of the spread of COVID19! Your plan is to enjoy a beautiful holiday in our hotel, our concern is to take care of your safety & the observance of the protection measures!